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A project byUNOX
CombiGuru App
Challenge your inner Guru!
App Challenge
Will you be the one to represent your college?
In the first phase of the competition, you will have to compete against the fellow students of your college in quizzes about the gastronomic world. Only the first place winner will advance to the final round in the Unox kitchen.
App Structure
Learn while having fun.
CombiGuru App
Let the adventure begin
Complete all levels of the CombiGuru adventure to gain new knowledge about the world of cooking. Fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, baked goods and desserts, but also technology, equipment, hygiene and cleanliness. The kitchen will have no more secrets for you.
CombiGuru App
An immersive experience
Discover how to learn new information in a dynamic way thanks to timely and interactive questions. Having fun is part of the CombiGuru experience, finally memorising notions will no longer be a static and boring activity.
CombiGuru App
Each day is a challenge
Test yourself daily to prove your new skills. The path to becoming a true combi oven expert is full of pitfalls. Will you be able to complete the challenge of the day?
CombiGuru App
Space for creativity
Earn the most donuts to unlock exclusive content and customise your avatar. Unleash your creativity and show us your inner CombiGuru.
App CombiGuru
A ranking to climb
Visit the profile section to check your progress and find out who is the toughest opponent to overcome in the ranking. Will you win the pass to the final in Unox?
Challenge your inner Guru!