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A project byUNOX
Registration options
What are you waiting for?
Are you a teacher? Enter your college in the ultimate competition for catering colleges in the UK. Are you a student? Report this opportunity to your college.
Participation costs
A priceless experience
Participation in the event is completely free of charge and is guaranteed only for the first registered institutes.
Download competition regulations and find out all the details.
CombiGuru Challenge
Useful documents.
Official regulationspdf
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CombiGuru Challenge
Want to take part in the challenge?

Fill in the form to register your college.

The Competition is aimed at all second-year students (both college and further education schools) only.

*Registration reserved for headmasters and teachers. If you are a student, please share the form with your school.
School type*
I authorize the treatment of my personal data pursuant to Reg. (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).Read the Privacy Policy *
I authorize the treatment of my personal data to receive, via telephone or email, commercial communications, newsletters, updates or invitations related to events, satisfaction questionnaires, etc.
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